My mom gave her life to public service. She was a public school teacher in Norfolk, VA for 30 years. Unfortunately, right before the pandemic, my mom’s life was taken tragically. In the days and weeks after her death, I saw an enormous outpouring of love from all the lives she touched. She did a lot of good. When this brief hit my desk, I knew I had a chance to do some good of my own. I wish my mom could’ve seen this.

Brand Action For Good

In a year of escalating racial unrest, the pandemic forced museums dedicated to shining a light on the significance of black history to close. So, we partnered with The King Estate and the DuSable Museum of African American History and used technology to bring Martin Luther King Jr.’s enduring message to all 955 streets that bear his name.


Created AR statues inspired by real MLK supporters.

Enabled any phone to scan any MLK street sign using image recognition technology.

Used augmented reality to bring an immersive experience
featuring MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech to every MLK street.

My Role: MLKonMLK was a passion project. When I concepted it, I pitched it to the team and they dug it. It then took a boatload of blood, sweat and tears to get this thing out in the world in a way that did the subject matter justice. I touched every ounce of this project. Wrote every piece of communication. Worked hand in hand with the AR team to create the models. Sifted through hundreds of hours of archival footage. Chose every shot in the case study video. And even created the rough cut on Premiere. I scouted, I directed, I did everything I could to bring this to life.